4 Problems with the Common Horoscope – And How to Use Them Effectively

Horoscopes have been part of human history for centuries now.  They offer glimpses into how future celestial bodies might influence our moods, relationships, and other daily situations.  First featured in 20th century newspaper columns and then later into digital media with apps, horoscopes captivate the curiosity of a variety of readers worldwide. If you are a 90s baby like me you probably remember aching to find out whether your crush liked you back with Seventeen Magazine’s horoscopes

horoscope magazine

But their popularity and easy digestible nature has its downsides.  With their easy access and potential for a multitude of understandings, this can encourage many to check them anxiously and religiously.  However, like any tool or form of astrological guidance, horoscopes do not provide exact answers and guaranteed outcomes.  While they are fantastic at providing insight about ourselves and future potentials, they should be read with a realistic perspective in check.  Let’s explore some of the common issues with horoscopes and how to make the most of them in a balanced way.

For a bit of a preface, you should probably read the article on whether or not astrology can predict the future.

Aren’t Catered to Individual Circumstances

The content of them are usually broad, generalized information.  For instance, a daily horoscope for Aries may suggest something like, “Expect good news at work,” but this advice can apply to anyone, anywhere.  Of course, horoscopes are meant to be written this way because they are presented to large audiences. Every individual has different life circumstances, personality, and astrological chart.

How to make use of it:
Instead of taking everything to heart, word for word, focusing on using horoscopes as generalized insight, like a mood or theme for the day, rather than expecting literal predictions, think of these as prompts for self-reflection. If a horoscope tells you to “expect romance,” consider it as an INVITATION to be more open in your interactions with others and not a guarantee that love is litreally around the corner.

Free Will and Personal Responsibility

Horoscopes can sometimes create a sense that everything is predetermined, making it easy to place responsibility for life events on celestial movements rather than personal choices.  This reliance can sometimes lead to complacency or a “fate-based” mindset, where individuals wait for something to happen instead of actively going after what they want with tangible action.

How to make use of it:
Use horoscopes as guides, not fortune tellers. Your actions, intentions, and choices are the dictator of your destiny.  Horoscope advice as SUPPLEMENTARY to your decision-making process, not a replacement. For instance, if a horoscope suggests you’ll have a challenging day or week, focus on proactive ways to handle stress instead of assuming everything will go wrong.

Biases Toward Specific Topics

astrological love

Since horoscopes are pretty broad it can be easy for authors to tailor it toward the most common human circumstances—Love, Career, and Money.

Now not that there is anything wrong with that, but some horoscopes can be too hyper focused on these specific things that people may question their beliefs about astrology and it’s validity if it doesn’t apply to what’s going on in their own lives.  

How to Use Them Properly:
The key here is use of discernment when reading a horoscope about your sign and what’s expected for it in the future.  You must read horoscopes with your own situation in mind and take the parts of it that resonate for what’s happening with the here and now and near immediate future.  Not every Capricorn is going through a break up at the same time.  The twelve zodiac signs don’t determine twelve life path trajectories.              

May Foster Dependency

Some people can become overly reliant on horoscopes for guidance, using them as a crutch to make decisions if they don’t trust their own judgement.  This can easily turn into a form of escapism where individuals shy away from taking control of their own lives and rely on an external source to provide specific direction.  It’s vulnerable to undermining confidence and personal power.

How to Use Them Properly:
Try to read horoscopes only once a month.  For the most part horoscopes are best read with each sun sign transit (when the sign changes each month) and focus more on reflection and planning your life based on your own human experiences.  Allow them to be part of a larger toolkit that includes other reflective practices like journaling or tarot rather than your sole source of guidance.

Cultivating a Healthy Relationship with Horoscopes


Reading horoscopes can be a useful and enlightening part of your astrology journey by encouraging self-reflection and even inspiring change.  However,  it’s essential to recognize they have their limitations and avoid over-relying on them to guide you through your life experiences. Treat horoscopes are intuitive aids and not something to replace with your own judgements and inner voice.  They are meant to steer you towards moments of insight and not definitive guides.  Remember, astrology predicts cosmic energies, not human behavior.  Only humans can do that.  

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

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