8 Things You Need to Know About the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

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The zodiac sign Sagittarius, symbolized by the mythical Archer, is the ninth sign of the zodiac and transits the sun from November 22 to December 21. Governed by the element of fire and ruled by the expansive planet Jupiter, Sagittarius embodies a love for adventure, optimism, and a fight for freedom. 

Core Traits Associated with Sagittarius 

Adventurousness and Free-Spiritedness

Sagittarius is the explorer of the zodiac.  It loves to travel and to spread itself far and wise even to the most remote location.  It is also a sign that is always on the verge of a new discovery and always learning something new from diving into a new book, to taking on a bold activity that get their adrenaline pumping.  They are really up for anything that expands their horizons. Freedom is essential for them and they often seek to break boundaries and barriers that hold them back from this, both physically and mentally.

Optimistic and Positive

Since they’re ruled by the planet Jupiter (the planet of expansion and luck), Sagittarius is a natural optimist and tend to see the glass half full.  This positive, can do energy when expressed externally inspires a hopeful outlook in others. Many people with personal Sagittarius placements in their natal chart have a buoyant nature that makes them uplifting friends and partners to have in your orbit.

Philosophical and Intellectual

With Sagittarius it’s not just about physical adventures, but mental ones too! People with Sagittarius energy are deep thinkers and love pondering life’s big questions.  They are the one you can count on to enjoy deep conversations with about anything you could ever think of.  This propensity for philosophy is often what drives them to travel.  Traveling allows them to explore different cultures, religions, and ideas about life.  They have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and will not be satisfied with one or two answers.  

Honest and Blunt

This one is a double edged sword.  Sagittarius values the truth above all else.  It is a sign that is afraid to speak it’s mind.  While honesty is refreshing, too much bluntness can sometimes come off as tactless and harsh.  Hardly with any malicious intent, the energy of Sagittarius simply believes in being upfront and truthful over telling white lies to avoid hurt feelings.

Greatest Strengths of Sagittarius

  • Optimistic: Their positivity is contagious.  You can always count on someone with personal Sagittarius placements to lift your spirits when you’re down and need a different perspective on things.  “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” is the pinnacle Sagittarian motto.  
  • Curious: A Sagittarius’s insatiable desire to learn and explore comes from their boundless curiosity.  This naturally makes them openminded and harbor a willingness to ponder on perspectives that they might not haven taken on before. 
  • Generous: Sagittarians are known for their big hearts and willingness to help others. They are in fact the teachers of the zodiac and it’s not uncommon to see people with Sagittarius personal placements within the fields of education, mentoring, coaching etc.  They are cheerleaders for EVERYONE and want to see them live their best, restriction-free, life they want to attain for themselves.
  • Versatile: Since they are a mutable sign (flexible and open to change), they adapt exceptionally well to new situations.  They thrive on change and almost constantly prefer it.  If Sagittarius stays in one place for too long they get angsty, bored, and quick to temper.  Anything that is routine or mundane is a Sagittarius’s worst nightmare.  Sagittarius is a sing that is on a quest for the highest, enlightened wisdom and always has to be changing environments, collecting experiences, so that they can find the the truest of true answers to life’s greatest questions.    

Greatest Challenges of Sagittarius

  • Impatience: Since they thrive on action and movement Sagittarius can become restless when things move are not moving at their preferred pace.  Because they are ruled by the element of fire they tend to want things done and happen fast.    
  • Overconfidence: Sometimes the beloved and famous optimism of Sagittarius can be too much of a good thing.  The Sagittarian tendency to keep things on the sunny side can easily turn into toxic positivity, causing it to underestimate challenges and inhibit opportunities for reevaluation and improvement.
  • Commitment Issues: Their need for freedom and limitless options can make long-term commitments a feat for Sagittarius.  Due to it’s mutability, people with prominent Sagittarius placements may change their minds easily and don’t want to find themselves backed into a corner if they verbalized the need to explore other alternatives of their given circumstances.  This can make them hesitant to involve themselves in situations that require long term involvement such as serious domestic partnerships, traditional 9-5 jobs, starting a family, or making a major purchase that requires a great deal of financial investment like a house or a car.    
  • Bluntness: While Sagittarius is honest it is to a fault.  Sagittarius can unintentionally hurt others with their unfiltered opinions.  To the Sagittarius they may see truth telling form of teaching and helping the other person be their best, but the fact that they are a fire sign and very action oriented can make them not put too much thought behind their words and how they might affect the other person.     

Love and Relationships


Sagittarians when in a relationship are great at bringing excitement and passion to the union.  A partner who shares their love for adventure with an independent streak is a must.  Clingy or possessive behavior is a turn-off for them so if you are an anxious, jealous lover don’t count on this sign to show you constant reassurance.  They need you to be your own separate person with your own interests in case things don’t work out between you two in the long term.  As mentioned before, they don’t commit easily, but once they do choose someone to commit to they will bring infectious enthusiasm, loyalty, and will always be down to do something fun with the one they choose as their person.

Sagittarian Friendly Careers

Sagittarius placement can thrive in careers that involve creativity, movement, and of course their beloved freedom.  Anything receptive and inactive like desk jobs might bore them to tears.  Its quite common to find them in roles where they travel often, teach and mentor others, or innovate and experiment with new ideas and concepts.  They are ruled by the planet Jupiter (the planet of luck and gain) so success might come to them in unexpected, excess ways.

Sagittarius in particular can also be great with anything that involves publishing.  A regular platform that they can utilize to share their thoughts and opinions and teach others is a great career choice for them.  A blog like this one for example.  But blogging can come with legal risks.  But not to fret! There is a great resource out there to protect yourself from these risks.  Amira Irfan, owner and founder of A Self Guru is a professional lawyer AND blogger who sells customizable legal templates made especially to protect blog writers like myself from any potential legal issues that could come up from having such a public platform.

Having these legal templates for myself helps me sleep a bit better at night, knowing that I have the proper precautions in place to protect myself and my website from being thrown into legal hot water.  If the Sagittarius in you (we all have a bit of Sagittarius in us) is looking to share your voice with the blogging platform, you definitely want to look into Amira’s Starter Legal Bundle.  These are the basic legal templates EVERYONE with a blog or website needs to be legally compliant and steer clear of intrusion from the law.             

But back to Sagittarius and great career choices!  Those with Sagittarius placements can also make fantastic teachers and professors.  Teaching is much more effective if done with a sense of dynamism and fun.  It would never bore someone with peak Sagitarrian qualities to be projecting to an audience of students the lesson of the day.  

Being a flight attendant or travel agent is also a great fit of those who strongly embody the traits of Sagittarius since it takes one all over the world, to a different city each day.  Anything that involves a constant change of scenery is good for someone as restless and adventure seeking as Sagittarius. 

Sagittarius is also known for being very high minded and connected to a higher power.  Sagittarian folks with a strong faith might be drawn to do something with a religious organization or be a leader in a community of their chosen faith like a pastor, rabbi, etc.     

An Abundance Money Mindset

When it comes to finances, Sagittarians may struggle with impulsive spending.  They often place a high priority on experience so they don’t mind splurging a few extra bucks on something they believe will be an adventure or a wild story to tell.  Their optimism serves as a double edged sword in this department.  They may be more willing to financial risks that many are hesitant to take but their inborn adaptability often helps them bounce back physically and emotionally from monetary loss.  

How to Best Connect with Sagittarius

Engage their intellect.  Sagittarians love discussing philosophical ideas and exploring different perspectives.  Some with Sagittarius energy may seem extroverted and the life of the party but don’t assume these traits make them brainless or have shallow opinions.  They may be good at small talk and surface level conversations but they don’t really enjoy.  Deep conversations and pondering the life’s biggest questions and mysteries are their jam.     

Join them on their adventures: Whether it’s a spontaneous road trip or a hike, they always welcome good company thanks to their sociable nature and appreciate those willing to dive into new experiences.  So next time your Sagittarius friend is going on a n adventure that seems like fun don’t be shy to ask if you can tag along with them.  They might just say yes!   

Be upfront and don’t tell them white lies. Relationships withouttransparency and openness is a no-no for these folks.  They’s rather you hit them with the hard truth and not tip toe around their feelings for the sake of keeping the peace.  This way, they may just learn a thing or two about themselves and you.  

Respect their need freedom and exploration.  Not I’m not saying allow yourself and them to be disloyal.  But they will deeply unhappy and feel suffocated if they are not given the space to pursue their passions.  This allows them to maintain their individuality and get enmeshed with another person.  Provide them with this and they will cherish you endlessly.

What Sagittarius is Here to Teach Us

dream big

Sagittarius is the sign that embodies the phrase “carpe diem.” Sagittarius represents our need for inspiration and to embrace the world around us with open arms no matter how different we all are.  This sign teaches us never to lose our adventurous spirit and still look for the joy life has to offer, even the most darkest, dreariest moments of the human experience.  The teacher of the zodiac’s biggest homework for humanity is to live boldly, explore widely, and to dream big! 

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

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