Can Astrology Really Predict the Future? 5 Ways How Astrology Has Evolved.

Ahh the age old question: “What do the stars say about my future? ”

Like many systems of study, astrology has undergone it’s tweaking of core principles and uses.  The only thing that remains certain however is the same basic premise—the examination of planetary positions and movements of to gain insights into human behavior and external events.  But the big question many people want to know is— 

predicting the future with astrology

“Does astrology really predict the future?”  

Well, kind of.  In order to tell you why it’s important to understand astrology’s roots and how it has diverged in several ways from it’s traditional techniques and usages.  Let’s explore how the course of tradtional astrology evovled into modern astrology.  

For a bit of preface, read my previous article on times when you should and should not use astrology

From Fate to Free Will

Traditionally, astrology that was  practiced by our ancestors left predetermined events in the hands of fate and destiny.  Astrological interpretations served the main purpose of determining hyper specific outcomes.  Astrological charts were often seen as fixed blueprints that dictated the course of one’s life.

In contrast, modern astrology embraces a more psychological and individualistic approach and embraces the conecpt of free will and human logic. Though planetary influences are still acknowledged, they are often seen as opportunities for personal development and not inescapable destinies. Modern astrology encourages people to use their charts as tools for understanding potential challenges and innate gifts that allow them to make conscious choices and exercise free will.

Shift in Central Focus

Traditional astrology was primarily concerned with predicting external events and circumstances, such as wars, weather patterns, or the outcome of political affairs. The focus was often on mundane astrology, which dealt with larger societal and worldly matters, rather than the individual.  It was often intertwined with broader social and political contexts and saved for individual matters for people in power.

Modern astrology, however, places a strong emphasis on the individual. This was birthed from a branch of astrology called psychological astrology, pioneered by astrologers like Dane Rudhyar and Liz Greene.  These specialized astrologers integrated the foundations of psychology to give a more introspective point of view on the cosmic study. Their work redefined the birth chart as a symbolic map of the psyche with the planets, houses, and it’s aspects representing different facets of an individual’s personality and potential psychological patterns. 

In fact, there are many therapists, coaches, and others who work with people to help them understand themselves better may use the birth charts of their clients as a tool to help them identify roadblocks to healing or success.

Access to Information 

Another significant difference between modern and traditional astrology lies in the techniques and tools used by astrologers. Traditional astrology employed a complex array of techniques, such as primary directions, time lords, and profections, to make the most precise predictions as possible.  These methods required rigorous study and mathmatheical skills for everything was calculated by hand.

birth chart

Modern astrology is of course more simply and accurately calculated thanks to computers and astrology software.  With these technological advancements we have more freedom to explore and learn about lesser known, previously unrecognized topics of astrology like asteroids and outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).

Moreover, present day astrology has paved the way for us to learn about aspect patterns (Grand Trines, T-squares). The easy acces to online birth chart calculators and direct access to copies of an ephemeris (reports of transits and retrogrades) has expanded possibilities for astrological exploration beyond it’s traditional framework.

Inclusion and Diversity

In ancient historical times, astrology was mainly practiced by people in specific cultures and religions that had access to it.  Simply put, only people in power like royalty, politicians, religious leaders and other people in high positions of power could access it.  

But today due to easy it’s easy access and more evoloved, flexible interpreations astrology has garned a more holistic and multicultural perspective with people from all different backgorunds and cultures practing around the world. 

Additionally, many incorporate astrological insights into their spiritual and metaphysical practices.  It’s very populary used in divination practices and witchcraft as an intuitive guidance tool. 

Mastery to Continual Life Long Learning 

In the past, astrology was a specialized knowledge reserved for a select few “masters of the stars.”  Astrologers in ancient history had access to the necessary texts and and reserved them for only the eys of those training to become astrologers themselves one day.  This made the learnring model very exclusive and art of mastery.  

This day in age, astrology is accessible to anyone with an internet connection.  With social media and online communities fostering a global community of astrologers and enthusiasts countless resources are now available online, blogs articles, videos, courses, and online astrological calculators like ones found on Cafe Aastrology.

social media

This interconnectedness has allowed for the rapid exchange of ideas, techniques, and interpretations making astrology a path of continuous learning for endless opportunities to redifine personal philosophies and methods of teaching.  

What Astrology REALLY Predicts

While astrology has it’s roots firmly planted in traditional practices it has evolved with the times because our society is industrialized and technologiacally driven.  We do not need many of the answers we sought from astrology thousands of years ago.  

Astrology today is more grounded in logic and recoginzes the presence of human free will that has the potenitla for multiple outcomes, not just one.  The cosmos only predict energies not events themsleves.

So next time you spot a so called, “love transit” you found through your transit chart on AstroSeek, remember it’s up to you to take human action to get what you want not leave your desired outcome up to the stars.  As Rosa Diza from Brookyln 99 once said:

“You create your own destiny”

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

1 thought on “Can Astrology Really Predict the Future? 5 Ways How Astrology Has Evolved.”

  1. Pingback: Exploring the World of the 7 Astrological Charts - Mari Leigh Scholes I Astrologer & Creative

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