Understanding Each of the 12 Midheaven Signs in Astrology

There is one key element in your natal chart that speaks volumes about your career, public image, and life purpose.  That is the Midheaven or MC (short for Medium Coeli). While your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs often describes the fundamentals of your human personality, the MC represents your aspirations and the legacy you hope to leave behind in regards to the professional work you do in your chosen career path.

What Is the MC in Astrology?

Midheaven meaning

The Midheaven is, of course, not a planet.  It is a mathematical point in your natal chart that marks the highest point in the sky at the time of your birth. Located in either the 9th, 10th house, or 11th house of one’s chart, it is associated with how you attract the public’s attention to you, how you approach your career, and how you achieve your professional goals.  

Some astrologers might regard it as what kind of career you might pursue and your public reputation, but personally, I think the 10th house tells you more about that than the Midheaven does (the midheaven is not always located in the someone’s 10th house). Think of it as your personal career compass and how you attract the best professional results.  When you embody the traits of your MC you make people WANT to invest in you and further you in your career.  

Finding Your MC

To locate your MC, you need an accurate birth time and location.  In order to know your MC you need to know what your rising sign is and this can only be done when you have the accurate time and location of your birth.  You can calculate a birth chart for yourself by using an online birth chart calculator that you can find on a website like Astro Seek.  

You can see your MC point displayed at the top of your natal chart, often marked with the letters “MC” or positioned at the 12 o’clock spot. The zodiac sign occupying this position reveals the qualities and energies you need to bring to your professional life and the kind of impression you should leave on the public in order to fulfill your biggest career dreams and aspirations.

MC Through the Zodiac Signs

aligning with your purpose

Each zodiac sign on the MC brings a unique flavor of your career path and the public’s relationship to you:

Aries Midheaven

People must see you as bold and independent.  Showcasing yourself as a pioneer and trailblazer in your field will inspire others to look up to you and pave an individual path for themselves because of your brave examples and fearlessness to aggressively purse your own wildest dreams and build a life for yourself.

Taurus Midheaven

Steady and reliable is the vibe you must bring in the lives of others if want to achieve professional success.  You may have found yourself in a career that brings stability OR you have a calming and effortless approach to your work that naturally draws people in and makes them want to help you achieve your goals.  Haste, rush, and an authoritarian attitude will not work for you here.  When you show people the value of consistency, patience, and money that same energy will be given back to you and you will reap the rewards.    

Gemini Midheaven

People are inspired by your communicativeness, versatility, and curiosity.  Being open to various interpretations and approaches to how other people operate themselves in their own personal work will get you far and open the doors to life changing opportunities that can help you expand in your chosen career.  Its always important here to just keep talking and keep learning.    

Cancer Midheaven

Your greatest strength with a Cancer MC is creating emotional connections with others.  You will achieve the most success by tapping into your highest, most productive forms of femininity such empathizing with others and offering emotional support.  When you hold space for others to emotionally express themselves to you you will gain unwavering loyalty from others who are willing to go the extra mile for you and connect with those that can help you flourish in your chosen career path.       

Leo Midheaven

When you are charismatic, creatively expressive, and entertaining, you draw people in that come to be a part of your “audience.”  People come to rely on you to put bring a little bit of light and joy into their lives.  You are the master of putting people in touch with their inner child.  This can open doors for positive business collaborations as others’ way of saying thank you for making them feel good and putting a smile on their face.      

Virgo Midheaven

With a Virgo MC, being analytical, detail-oriented, and a willingness to be of help and service to others will get you far.  Whether it’s a helping profession or not, when you show people that you are willing to help them and improve their lives they will give that same energy back to you in the form of helping you with your own goals.  

Libra Midheaven

Bringing harmony and balance in the lives of others and cultivating collaborations should be your focus.  When you bring a sense of peace in people lives and practice equal give and take in your dealings with others you will be introduced to diplomatic, cooperative connections that bring ease and beauty into your own life.

Scorpio Midheaven

You’re someone who achieves your professional goals with complete honesty and not beating around the bush.  Encouraging people to not take things at face value invites people to think for themselves and not just blindly believe what they’re told.   Others will appreciate this about you and want you in their corner.  You will be able to see past any forms of deceit and spot when others have ill intentions; a skill that is valuable and highly sought out in professional environments.    

Sagittarius Midheaven

When you seek out the truth and are open to adventure you are a force to reckoned with.  You draw people in by being the guru, the know how woman or man, the one who holds answers to peoples’ most commonly asked questions.  Reaching your professional goals requires you to take on the role of teacher for others.  Even if you don’t feel like a teacher or want to be a teacher, others naturally perceive you as wise and want to know how you got to where you are.  The willingness to embrace your “students” is the mindset that will lead you toward achieving your greatest career aspirations and worldly desires.  

Capricorn Mideheaven

With an ambitious approach to your work and being highly self disciplined, you set an example for others that their own accomplishments are attainable and within their reach.  This MC is more passive in nature than the others.  It leads by showcasing your accomplishments in a quiet, but humble way.  When others observe you achieving the goals that they themselves would like to achieve in their own career, you give them a sense of hope that they can do the same for themselves with the same attitude. Your motto of hard work and long term commitment reaping the most lasting rewards speaks for themelves that others can see and hear, loud and clear.       

Aquarius Midheaven

A sense of innovation and originality is your guide to opening the doors to achieving career success.  You inspire others by going against the status quo of tradition and showing people the importance of paving a path that is their own to achieve the professional success they want.  Being a vocal advocate for change and reformation will foster connections (especially with established groups) that want to join forces with you and be a part of the change they want to see in the workplace and other professional settings. 

Pisces Midheaven

Having immense compassion and a rich imagination, you will flourish when you bring healing energy into the lives of others and encourage them to see the viewpoint of another.  You bring inspiration to others when you dream big and see the possibility in anything.  This can bring connections that not only will be healing to others but healing to yourself as well.  You do your best work and will achieve your professional goals when you actively surround yourself with people that are good for your soul.  These are the connections that will lead your closer to making your sweetest, most fulfilling dreams come true.

The Influence of Aspects

Aspects to your MC from other planets can provide additional layers in deciphering the energies surrounding the MC.  If you don’t know aspects are, read this article from astrology.com describing the different aspects in astrology   

To put it more simply, certain energies from the other placements of your birth chart can make achieving your goals surrounding your career more easy or difficult to achieve.  For instance, a conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in one’s natal chart might make them a very disciplined communicator and works hard to communicate effectively.  A Uranus that squares this Saturn in the same natal chart however, might indicate a more independent streak and unconventionality that at the same time, might hold the person back from achieving career milestones in their desired time frame.  

Using the MC to Align with Your Purpose


Using the MC to help you in your career endeavors requires you to reflect on the qualities of the sign your MC is in and to ask yourself if they are currently physically manifesting in your physical reality, as well as if they are actually helping or hurting your professional goals and ambitions.  If they are not serving you in a positive way or helping your achieve results, you must practice leaning into the productive qualities of these energies so you can remove the obstacles that are keeping you stagnant in your professional life. 

Remember, this is not a rigid roadmap to how you should operate in your field of work, but a guide to helping you realize the qualities you must embody for others so you yourself can build and nurture a career that brings long term benefits and a sense of meaning and fulfillment. By embracing the wisdom offered by your MC, you will leave a meaningful mark on the world and a legacy for your predecessors to continue for future generations to come.

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

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