Understanding the 8 Planets in the Retrograde: What to Expect and How to Navigate Them Ease

In astrology, planetary retrogrades are some of the most intriguing and most talked-about celestial movements. But what does it mean when a planet goes “retrograde,” and how can you make the most of these often-challenging periods?

Let’s break down the basics of retrograde planets and explore how they can impact your life.

What Is a Retrograde?

When a planets are said to be in retrograde, what that means is the planets in question are looks to be moving backward in orbit according to our human perspective of planet Earth.  It is an optical illusion that the planets have reversed their motion and the orbit’s usual speed has been disrupted by being turned upside down on it’s head. 

Although the planets haven’t actually changed the direction of orbit and speed, theirretrograde phases carry strong symbolic meaning in astrology.

Each planet in astrology represents specific energies and themes.  When planets are reported as going into “retrograde” it prompts the collective human consciousness to go inward and become more reflective.  Retrograde periods encourage us to revisit, reassess, and realign ourselves with aspects of our lives that do not currently serve us and calls for us to make much needed change. 

How and where these changes are made is dependent on what planets are retrograding and each individual’s natal chart.

To see a yearly calendar of past present and future retrograde planets, look up something online called an ephemeris.  You can find them on websites like astro.com or Cafe Astrology  

What to Expect from Retrograde Planets

The effects of a retrograde depend on the planet involved. Let’s take a closer look at what each retrograde might bring

Also be aware that each and every retrograde has a pre and post shadow period, lasting approximately, 6-7 weeks.  These pre and post shadow periods bring the same effects as actual retrograde periods do but with less intensity.  So it should be no surprise that retrograde effects CAN be felt and show up during these so called, “prep for retrograde” phases and “after effect retrograde” phases as well.    

Mercury Retrograde

mercury retrograde

Mercury is the planet of communication, technology, short travel, and contracts.  Mercury goes into a retrograde period of 3-4 times a year.  During these time it is quite common to experience miscommunication, travel delays or cancellations, and tech glitches such as incessant slower internet or poorly connected video calls can be seen here as well.  

Though seemingly unrelated, this can have a devastating effect on our personal relationships.  Many of the times the oopsies and complications that we experience during Mercury retrograde periods can bring up unresolved relationships issues that rear their ugly, beastly heads.

Mercury in retrograde is also known to be a VERY bad time to sign a contract of any kind.  Many have reported signing a very binding contract during a past mercury in retrograde period only to regret it later and have to go through so much difficulty, headache, or even heartache to get out of.     

Getting through a Mercury in retrograde calls us to think about how we communicate with the people in our lives, specifically, what we say, how our words affect others, read between the lines.  During this time we are more likely to socially isolate and not want to talk to others, even the extroverts out there that LOVE to talk and be around others. 

This short period of time is calling us to take a good look at ourselves and make us aware of where we might not be speaking up for ourselves or where we need to refrain from saying something we might regret.       

This is also a good time to make back up plans for potential technological failures.  Technology is a VERY big part of our everyday lives so make sure you have various meeting dates backed up for that business zoom call just in case the wifi is acting wonky! 

Also, during this time it is best to refrain from making and carrying out big travel plans, especially ones that require a great deal of financial investment and are non refundable. 

So next time you’re looking to take a trip to Disney World or travel to the nearest big city for the concert of your famous singer, you might want to check your calendar for a retrograde period at the time you’re making these plans!  Your bank account might thank you later in case these plans cause massive problems or gets cancelled.  

Lastly, NEVER sign a contract or any other heavily binding document during a Mercury retrograde period!  When Mercury is in a retrograde period it can be pretty easy to miss small but very important written details.  So don’t even think about long term committing to ANYTHING during a time like this.  Wait off on signing that lease, job offer, or anything else that requires your fancy, Nancy signature.          

Venus Retrograde

venus retrograde

Venus, the planet of love, relationships, finances, and self-worth goes into retrograde every 18 months.  Naturally, relationship challenges play a part here, but ALSO the reappearances of old flames and romances tend to happen during this time as well.  It’s not uncommon for some to get back together with an ex or the one that got away during a Venus Retrograde.  We may also be inclined to rethink our values around money and our sense of beauty as well.  

In addition, during a Venus retrograde, we may find ourselves becoming attracted to those that we are not usually attracted to in the dating scene.  So next time you find yourself going for potential partners that are not your usual type, maybe check the ephemeris to see if there is a Venus retrograde period going on.    

As far as surfing a Venus retrograde it is crucial that you NEVER make body altercations during this time such as a hair cut or a tattoo.  Along those same lines it’s also never a good idea to spend a lot of money on clothes or accessories either.  Remember, what we find aesthetically pleasing and pretty to the eye during a Venus retrograde is different than our norm.  Save yourself and your money from regret by holding off on any big decisions about your physical appearance AFTER the Venus retrograde is over.

As far as relationships go getting into a new relationship, engaged, married, or even breaking up with a partner should be AVOIDED.  Our ideas about relationships, what we think we want in a partner and long term relationship is skewed.  It’s quite common for romances started during this time to end as quickly as soon as they begin when the retrograde period fades out if the the two people realize they have nothing in common and not what they were looking for.  

Also be aware of past toxic or abusive flames trying to enter your life.  You may be tempted to fall back in the vicious cycle your shared with this person if they try to make your way back to you during a Venus in retrograde.  

As far as breakups, there is a stronger urge to call it quits when we think a relationship is not working out.  Instead, its a good time to sit down and talk with your partner about any issues in the relationship and what is causing these problems to see if the relationship stands a chance at survival.  Many who have reported initiating a breakup during a Venus retrograde have expressed regret about giving up so quickly on a union that was just going through a rough and could have possibly made made things work with communication and establishing better cooperation.  

Venus is retrograde is also a BAD time to start a business or launch a new product.  It’s not uncommon for new business who started during a time that Venus was in retrograde to fail due to Venus’s connection to money and value.  It’s quite possible that your business’s ideal customers at the time will likely miss what your offering in exchange for money or not see the value in it at the time. 

Therefore, they will not make an investment in you or your company which leads to massive debt and no monetary gain to keep your business going.  So hold off on your small business or product launch when your ideal customers have aligned with your values again when the Venus retrograde period is over!      

Mars Retrograde

mars retrograde

With Mars going into retrograde every 2 years we experience bit of depleted energy, diminished ambition, and increase of conflict.  The lowered energy levels we have can put us behind in our professional and personal life more than usual.  Mars in retrograde acts like a universal ennui and burnout in a way. 

Collectively, this can bring a sense of frustration that often leads us to reaching our boiling point and combust as a result of any strong feelings that have spent a good deal of time simmering under the surface.  

During this time it is wise to channel any energy you feel “left over”  into something productive that reaps tangible results.  For example if you find that your daily checklist is causing you more stress and only leading to quicker depletion and burnout try spreading out your tasks throughout the week.  This is also a time to not be impulsive for any action taken out of haste during Mars retrograde will be faster to back fire and cause more damage. 

Exercise and activities that help you stay grounded and mindful can help release pent-up tension, so if you don’t have an exercise routine in place Mars in retrograde is the perfect time to start one.

Jupiter Retrograde

jupiter retrograde

With the planet ofgrowth, expansion, and luck going into retrograde once a year for 4 months many of us may experience a slowdown of progress and stagnancy in our personal and professional lives.  We may start to feel like no matter what we do we are not leveling up in lives and going where we need to in order to feel sustained, happy, or successful. 

You may also just feel so darn unlucky!  All the bad things might be happening all at once.  Your car breaks down, you come down with the stomach flu, you find out you need a NEW car because fixing your car would be more costly all in one week!  This is just a theoretic example but you get my gist.  It just seem like you keep running into problems and start to believe you’re cursed and and left wondering what you did to deserve it.  A Jupiter in retrograde can do that to us.  

One thing to note about Jupiter is that it is the BIGGEST planet in the solar system so anything that it touches astrologically is experienced in excess and is amplified 100x.  That’s why its called the planet of growth and abundance.  It bring even more than what it’s asked of.  In the case of the retrograde it brings opposite Jupiterean effects to the collective.        

Use Jupiter in retrograde as a time for inner work or start learning a new skill that is relevant to one of your future goals.  Use this time for inner growth, studying, and reevaluating long-term goals.  This would also be a good time to reflect on what your goals actually are.  Are they goals that are serving in you in the long term or short term?  Do they align with your values?  Will you reap long term rewards from them?  

 Saturn Retrograde

saturn retrograde

Saturn goes into retrograde once a year for about 4-5 months.  Here we may experience a change in structure of our work environment, a lack of discipline, and learning our karmic lessons.

During a Saturn retrograde you may experience shifts in your career such as changing careers, getting a new boss, or find yourself under a different level of authority.  You may also be taking on more responsibilities in general that may feel challenging out of your control, It is also likely that you may experience delays in career or long-term goals. 

Maybe you didn’t get the job promotion at work you’ve had your eye on for a long time or maybe your are looking into a new line of work but you can’t seem to get your foot in the door anywhere.  Many instances like these can lead to a lack of productivity and increased procrastination, feeling like you are just stuck and don’t see the point in trying to reach your goals if you can’t seem to get yourself unstuck.  

This brings about the need to learn our karmic lessons.  Now karma is not necessarily related to the subject of past live because not everyone resonates with that.  Karma is simply the unconscious burdens we carry within ourselves that hold us back from a certain area of our lives.   That’s why Saturn is called the planet of karma—it brings delays and repression. 

During a Saturn retrograde period it is highlighted to us where we are carrying  a heavy load on ourselves and calls us to recognize where we could be if we practiced loosening the reins on whatever it may be.  Where and how in dependent on the current zodiac sign of Saturn sign and what astrological house it occupies in an individual’s  natal chart           

A Saturn retrograde is the time needed to reassess boundaries by recognizing where you are holding yourself back from your long term goals (personal and professional), be honest with yourself about your sense of self discipline or lack thereof, and start taking personal accountability for your short comings.

Uranus Retrograde

uranus retrograde

The planet ofinnovation, freedom, and abrupt change goes into retrograde once a year for approximately 5 months.  

At this time we may expereince aninternal restlessness that makes us itching for a change.  If you are regularly in a highly controlled, strict, or rigid environment you may feel the urge to finally break free and look for the grass that is greener on the other side.  People might even feel more politically inclined at this time and may start rallying up with like minded individuals to start creating a better world with more freedom.  

This is a time where we are more rebellious so it’s not uncommon for us to fall back into our adolescent like phase of trying to be different or standing out to go against what we were traditionally taught, meaning we may be a bit more mouthy and bold in our self expression. 

Uranus is the planet that rules technological innovation as well so people may be chronically online more during a Uranus retrograde.        

Reflecting on where you need more freedom in your life is crucial during a Uranus retrograde.  It’s also the time to embrace change in a controlled manner and not disrupting the status quo just to try to prove something like a hormonal teenager.  It’s the time you need to learn what is worth fighting for in your life and what should be left well enough alone for your own peace of mind.  

Neptune Retrograde

neptune retrograde

When Neptune goes into retrograde once a year for 5 to 6 month brings to the forefront our dreams, our sense of spirituality, and our blindspots.

This time asks us to gain a clearer perspective on certain things that cloud our judgement and what we may be in denial about.  We may also experience an application of intensity of our dreams, maybe even have more frequent nightmares.  We may also be more curious about spiritual things or be more open mined to certain spiritual concepts we were not open to before.   

During this time work on your spiritual growth and start getting real with yourself about how and where YOU are not being real.  

Pluto Retrograde

pluto retrograde

Pluto goes into retrograde once a year every 6 months.  

You will change a lot during this time period and feel some heaviness on your psyche.  You may experience power struggles and be prone to expereince as sense of helplessness.  Expect to go through some DEEP introspection.  You may discover something (or some things) that has been hiding from you or find that the people in your life have not been completely honest with you.  

Navigating this time period ain’t a walk in the park.  Pluto retrograde asks us to embrace changeand face our fears. This is a time of profound personal growth so don’t judge feelings as positive or negative and just feel them as they come up.

Retrogrades Are Opportunities, Not Curses

While retrogrades often have a reputation for creating chaos their is a method to this cosmic madness.  If you look at the other side of the coin, retrogrades serve as opportunities for growth and reflection.  They urge us to slow down, to look inward, and realign with our true soul’s intentions. These trying times are to be embraced as chances to pause, reflect, and fine tune ourselves and outer circumstances.

Whether it’s Mercury retrograde sending those important email of yours to spam or Pluto urging you to really go there, retrogrades remind us that growth comes from revisiting the past and learning the lessons in theme with the retrograde planet.  So, next time a planet goes retrograde, lean into it, and trust that the universe (or whatever high power you’re aligned with) is guiding you exactly where you need to go.

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

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