The 8 Moon Personalities & How to Understand Them

The moon, with it’s constant waxing and waning, has long been regarded as a symbol of our changeable human emotions. For centuries now, it’s been noted that the moon’s phase at the times of one’s birth aligns with one’s temperament and dominant personality traits. Read a short description about the natal moon sign in this article if you are unfamilar with it.  Here’s a breakdown of the moon’s phases and how they can reflect the personalities of those born under said lunar phase.

If you don’t know what moon phase your were born under calculate a birth chart calculator on Astroseek. This site in partcular can tell you what phase the moon (and it’s zodiac sign) was in at the time of your birth.

New Mooners: The Dreamers

solar eclipse

Those born under the New Moon are the big innovators and trendsetters. The moon is hidden during this phase so these individuals often keep their deepest thoughts and desires to themselves. They are filled to the brim with potential and are always dreaming of new beginnings and fresh starts for themselves and the collective.  Often (but not always)  introverted, New Moon personalities are introspective and prefer to work behind the scenes, away from prying eyes and curious spectators. 

They have an infectious optimism for the future that keeps them motivated, but they may also struggle to take immediate action sometimes.  These folks tend to be planners and are always thinking of what could be and the steps needed to take as far as how to bring their visions and dreams into physical manifestation.

Waxing Crescent Mooners: The Ambitious Go Getters


The Waxing Crescent phase marks the moon’s emergence from the darkness.  People born under this phase are determined to make themselves known and have an ambitious streak, making them eager to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Always brewing with energy, they are proactive in their endeavors and take the tangible, necessary steps that turn their visions into a reality. They have natural optimism and an innate sense of work life balance.  Work smart, not hard is their motto.

On the other hand, Waxing Crescent personalities can become easily frustrated if they find their efforts are slow to achieve visible results, leading this inborn ambition of theirs to take on too much, too quickly, causing extreme stress and burnout.  They must constantly work on practicing patience and reaffirm themselves that the best results of their work do not come overnight.  The best payoffs comes from gaining expereince with time, reflecting on the past, and making necessary adjustments along the way.

First Quarter: The Problem Solvers

waxing moon

In astrology, the First Quarter Moon represents a turning point. People born during this phase are known for their ability to face challenges head-on. They are action-oriented people and thrive in situations where decisive action is needed. They possess an innate courage and are not afraid to take risks that allows them to overcome obstacles. First Quarter personalities are resilient and tend to brush themselves off easily from any difficulties they may face.

Their strong will and drive to solve problems can make them impatient with themselves and others and risk pushing limits and overstepping personal boundaries. They must to learn to balance their natural determination with displays of empathy so everyone can win and be on the same page.

Waxing Gibbous Mooners: The Refiners

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As the moon grows closer to being full, people born under a Waxing Gibbous tend to be those who are driven by a need for readjustment and perfection. They are reflective and constantly re-evaluating their work, relationships, etc.  They’re on a mission of keeping track of their progress in life and constantly striving for improvement with everything they do. These individuals are detail-oriented, ensuring that everything is in it’s correct, rightful place.

Perfectionism, of course is the most prominent challenge for this moon personality. Waxing Gibbous mooners may struggle with never feeling satisfied with their achievements and results. They must learn to embrace imperfection and enjoy the process, rather than focus solely on their desired, flawless outcome.

Full Mooners: The Charismatics

lunar eclipse

The Full Moon represents culmination and illumination. Those born under this phase have a magnetic, vibrant personality that attracts others to them easily. Full Mooners are passionate, intense, and often wear their heart on their sleeve. Natural performers, they thrive in social settings they are comfortable in and often find themselves in the spotlight without much effort. They have an infectious energy and have a strong understanding of their emotions.  This emotional self awareness is their fuel for their creativity and drive to succeed.

Because they do have such a deep connection with their emotional nature, Full Mooners can be prone to emotional extremes. They are prone to experiencing the highest of highs, as well as the lowest of lows.  Finding emotional balance is their greatest challenge and they must have an effective but easily accessible outlet for releasing any strong emotions that may come up.

Waning Gibbous Mooners: The Teachers

waning moon

As the moon begins to wane, those born during the Waning Gibbous phase are often focused on sharing their knowledge and experiences with others. They have a natural inclination to teach and guide. Their wisdom and generosity are their strongest traits and are often found mentoring others in some shape or form. These individuals are advisors that use their insights to help those around them grow and expand into better people.

On the flip side, their giving nature can sometimes lead them to neglect their own needs.  They can also be rather hovering, since they do care so much to help improve the lives of the people around them. Waning Gibbous mooners have to constantly remind themselves to replenish their energy by setting personal boundaries, as well as let go of the reins for others to learn from mistakes without their guidance.

Last Quarter Mooners: The Release Artists

last quarter moon

The Last Quarter Moon symbolizes letting go of what no longer serves us. People born under this phase are independent and reflective, often going through frequent cycles of change. They understand the importance of releasing old habits, mindsets and have no problems letting go of relationships that no longer add value to their lives.

Along with their constant need for positive change this sometimes leaves them feeling isolated or misunderstood by others. They must always put in work to balance their need for independence with forging and maintaining meaningful connections.

Waning Crescent: The Mystics

waning crescent

The Waning Crescent is the final phase before the New Moon, representing closure and rest. People born during this phase are often a deeply spiritual and intuitive bunch. They are known for their immense compassion and highly value the importance of stillness and reflection. Most connected to the mysteries of life, they are often drawn to the healing arts and other spiritual practices. Their gentle energy makes them excellent listeners and healers.

Due to their natural connection to the unseen, Waning Crescent personalities can struggle with grounding themselves in the material world. Their main challenge is finding balance between their spiritual pursuits and the practicalities of everyday life.

Why Knowing Your Moon Personality is Important 

Embracing your moon personality can provide deeper insight into your emotional landscape and help you identify your emotional triggers. Like the moon, our emotions are constantly evolving.  Sometimes we’re shining bright with luminosity and other times, retreating into the shadows for quiet self reflection

Mari Leigh S.
Author: Mari Leigh S.

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